Continuous Adaptive Strategy Execution (CASE) Framework

CASEy is based on decades of practical product strategy and delivery experience that has been incorporated in our CASE framework. This knowledge base documents CASE, and generally accepted better practices for creating, communicating, optimizing, and delivering organization and product strategy. We welcome feedback and participation in helping drive the new strategic revolution.

Traditional annual strategy planning cycles are inadequate in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. Organizations require a more agile and responsive approach to remain competitive amidst constant market flux. Continuous Adaptive Strategy Execution (CASE) is a framework designed to meet these demands, ensuring organizations can adapt swiftly and effectively to new challenges and opportunities.

CASE redefines strategy as a living process, reacting to events, and emphasizing ongoing adaptation over static planning. CASE aligns strategic initiatives directly with the current and most pressing organizational challenges by focusing on challenge-based strategy creation. Through CASE, organizations are equipped to dynamically navigate the complexities of modern markets, maintaining a competitive edge by constantly refining their strategic goals and methods.

Download our full whitepaper here, or browse each topic below.
Introduction to Continuous Adaptive Strategy Execution – CASE v1.0.pdf

What is CASE?

CASE is a paradigm that integrates continuous planning, feedback, measurement, and execution into the strategy management process. CASE posits that strategy should evolve dynamically based on real-time data and honest feedback from all sources. This approach enables organizations to pivot quickly, seizing opportunities and mitigating risks as they arise. Key Principles of CASE Agility: Organizations revisit strategies and adjust continuously, not annually, allowing swift responses to change. Engagement: This empowers all levels of the organization to contribute ideas and feedback, fostering innovation and providing leadership with invaluable and timely feedback. Learning and Adaptation: Encourages iterative learning from successes and failures, ensuring

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The Case for CASE

Annual strategy planning makes it difficult for organizations to navigate market dynamics, technological breakthroughs, and unforeseen obstacles. If “strategy” is identifying and overcoming challenges on the way to a longer-term objective, then how can doing it once a year be successful? New challenges will always emerge, and we learn about others by taking steps to solve one challenge. The strategy needs to be dynamic. It needs to be an automatic and continuous pursuit of reaching a vision. Many organizations react on the fly to each emerging mini-crisis precisely as they should. Continuous Adaptive Strategy Execution (CASE) enables this adaptability while ensuring

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Strategy Loop

The Strategy Loop in CASE ensures that an organization remains agile and responsive to a dynamic market environment. This loop continuously updates the organization’s vision, identifies new challenges, and refines success metrics as market conditions evolve and internal feedback guides. Key elements of the Strategy Loop are: Continuous Vision Update: While the core vision might remain stable, the strategies to achieve this vision need regular updates to reflect changing market conditions. This dynamic approach helps prevent the stagnation that has historically led to the decline of once-dominant companies like Blockbuster and Nokia, which failed to adapt their business strategies in response

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Deliver Loop

The Delivery Loop is where teams turn challenge-solving ideas into actual products or services.  Key elements of the delivery loop are: Accelerating Feedback: The delivery loop’s speed is crucial because a swift execution phase enables faster customer feedback. This rapid feedback is vital for informing the Strategy and Adapt loops, ensuring that strategies are responsive and based on current realities rather than outdated assumptions. Reality Check for Ambitions: It acts as a reality check for the organization’s ambitions. Some ideas might seem excellent on paper but are challenging to implement due to technical constraints, complexity, or unforeseen risks. The delivery loop

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Adapt Loop

The Adapting loop plays a crucial role in strategic management by ensuring that an organization’s strategy remains agile and responsive to new information and environmental changes. This approach is integral to maintaining a dynamic alignment between an organization’s vision and operational reality, facilitating timely adjustments that will significantly influence long-term success. Key elements of the Adapting loop are: Feedback on Delivered Work: Strategic adaptation often starts with reflecting on the outcomes of specific initiatives or projects. This step assesses whether the actions effectively moved the organization closer to its strategic goals. It’s not just about whether teams did work but whether

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Activity 1 – Creating a Customer-Centric Long-Term Vision

The cornerstone of any thriving business is its long-term vision. A well-crafted vision serves as a north star, guiding the company through the ups and downs of business cycles toward a future where it realizes its full potential. The most potent visions place the customer at their core, promising growth for the company and significant benefits for its customers. This vision isn’t just a fluffy motivational statement. It is a beacon for decision-making and strategy development, motivating and aligning your teams. When articulating this vision, it’s essential to focus on the benefits for your customers, as they are the cornerstone of

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Activity 2 – Identify Challenges and Obstacles (Challenge-based strategy)

Identifying the challenges and obstacles between your current state and your long-term vision is critical in strategic planning. Breaking down the journey into smaller, incremental, solvable challenges makes achieving the long-term vision more manageable, measurable, and likely. Companies ensure they steadily move closer to their envisioned future by tackling these challenges in the proper order with the right urgency. The goal is mapping the path by identifying incremental challenges in achieving progress toward your vision. Understanding the Landscape If you don’t already have this, revisit the current operational, market, and competitive landscapes captured when creating the vision statement. Understand where you

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Activity 3 – Define Success: Outcomes and Indicators

Defining success for each challenge your company faces in achieving the long-term vision is critical for maintaining direction and motivation. Measurable outcomes provide clear targets and enable your team to gauge progress and adjust strategies as necessary. Here’s how to define success and identify other measures that indicate you’re on the right track. Set Clear, Measurable Outcomes Define success in quantifiable terms for every challenge – the “are we there yet metric.”  The format for outcome and success metrics is as follows: Success is when we see [measurable outcome metric] move from [initial value] to [target value] by [date]. A well-defined

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Activity 4: Idea Generation

After laying the groundwork by identifying challenges and establishing success criteria, the next pivotal step is generating actionable and innovative ideas to tackle these challenges. This ideation phase is crucial and should leverage insights from as broad an audience as possible to ensure a rich diversity of perspectives and solutions. Here’s how to effectively engage a wide audience in the idea-generation process and explore new avenues for overcoming obstacles. Engaging a Broad Audience for Idea Generation Annual strategy often leads to annual roadmaps. If you are going to tell your teams what they are doing for the next 12 months, why

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Activity 5: Idea Triage and Selection

When an identified challenge needs more or faster progress toward a successful outcome, we must act on the ideas generated. This includes both the initial ideas and new ones developed by responding to feedback and the lessons learned during implementation.  The next step is to carefully triage and select the one or two ideas that hold the most promise.  This selection process involves a nuanced evaluation of potential impact, the confidence in achieving that impact, and the effort required to realize the idea. Additionally, it’s essential to consider the organization’s capacity constraints, even though this may limit the scope of what

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