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Activity 5: Idea Triage and Selection

When an identified challenge needs more or faster progress toward a successful outcome, we must act on the ideas generated. This includes both the initial ideas and new ones developed by responding to feedback and the lessons learned during implementation. ...

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Activity 4: Idea Generation

After laying the groundwork by identifying challenges and establishing success criteria, the next pivotal step is generating actionable and innovative ideas to tackle these challenges. This ideation phase is crucial and should leverage insights from as broad an audience as...

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Activity 3 – Define Success: Outcomes and Indicators

Defining success for each challenge your company faces in achieving the long-term vision is critical for maintaining direction and motivation. Measurable outcomes provide clear targets and enable your team to gauge progress and adjust strategies as necessary. Here's how to...

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Activity 2 – Identify Challenges and Obstacles (Challenge-based strategy)

Identifying the challenges and obstacles between your current state and your long-term vision is critical in strategic planning. Breaking down the journey into smaller, incremental, solvable challenges makes achieving the long-term vision more manageable, measurable, and likely. Companies ensure they...

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Activity 1 – Creating a Customer-Centric Long-Term Vision

The cornerstone of any thriving business is its long-term vision. A well-crafted vision serves as a north star, guiding the company through the ups and downs of business cycles toward a future where it realizes its full potential. The most...

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Adapt Loop

The Adapting loop plays a crucial role in strategic management by ensuring that an organization's strategy remains agile and responsive to new information and environmental changes. This approach is integral to maintaining a dynamic alignment between an organization's vision and...

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Deliver Loop

The Delivery Loop is where teams turn challenge-solving ideas into actual products or services. Key elements of the delivery loop are:Accelerating Feedback: The delivery loop's speed is crucial because a swift execution phase enables faster customer feedback. This rapid feedback is...

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Strategy Loop

The Strategy Loop in CASE ensures that an organization remains agile and responsive to a dynamic market environment. This loop continuously updates the organization's vision, identifies new challenges, and refines success metrics as market conditions evolve and internal feedback guides.Key...

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The Case for CASE

Annual strategy planning makes it difficult for organizations to navigate market dynamics, technological breakthroughs, and unforeseen obstacles. If “strategy” is identifying and overcoming challenges on the way to a longer-term objective, then how can doing it once a year be...

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What is CASE?

CASE is a paradigm that integrates continuous planning, feedback, measurement, and execution into the strategy management process. CASE posits that strategy should evolve dynamically based on real-time data and honest feedback from all sources. This approach enables organizations to pivot...